Prices and Fees
Note: Money is due in full at time of placing order. Orders will not be started until full payment is made.
Editing fees: graphics for garments should typically be sent to us "ready for print," meaning no editing or updating of graphic on our part is required. If help is needed altering a graphic or creating a logo, there is a $50 non-refundable fee due up front. When in doubt, feel free to ask us via the contact form.
Screen Print Prices:
Embroidery prices are typically $1.50-2.00 for every 1000 stitches plus any additional costs for specialty items. Embroidery is currently quoted on an order by order basis, so feel free to contact us for a quote! We charge a one time fee of $15 to digitize a logo or graphic to an embroidery file. Jpg, SVG, PNG and PDF files are acceptable for conversion.